Thursday, August 11, 2011

Problem of water wells to yellow brass

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The new home of my friends encountered some problems. At first glance, judging the house is quite representative, but left the issue seriously enough, turns out to be pumped Water Wells turns dirty yellow / brown and tend to be a bit smelly. Quizzed had inquired it was caused by the iron content / Fe in the wells / soil is too high, causing rusty / Rush Yellow colored water and then

Once I find out here and there. There are some solutions for my friends.

First and most complicated and difficult in my opinion is The Clean Well (in drain water and cleaned the rusty wall), then the input of sand and gravel into it and then use charcoal (preferably coconut shell) to clear it. Sand and gravel included "possible" that the land around the well is not directly in contact with well water. This could reduce the water rust. Coconut shell charcoal is being use to clean the rust (precipitate)

The second solution / Quick Solution (which I now pake): Due to clean the wells, adding sand and gravel is quite long and difficult and a lot of money, I choose the shortcut. Pump water into the reservoir water, then given alum water tank (water purifiers, which are sometimes used for deodorizing body), and wait several hours before use.

If the well is not too yellow or rusty, it could also be added directly into the well alum . Repeat the addition of alum when the water had turned yellow again.

The second way is quite simple but quite complicated. This is because every 1 or 2 times the filling water reservoir, I have to give alum into it.

attention: Although the water is clear and clean after being given alum Fe content / Iron in water is still a lot. Water Quality As this is NOT WORTH Consumption. DO NOT Use to COOK or DRINKING. Use the water to wash or bathe alone. If you want to really make sure water is safe, please check with the nearest water to the laboratory.
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Overcoming Diarrhoea or Diarrhea With Sapodilla fruit

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In front of my neighbor's house, there sapodilla tree that had withered and its trunk had been perforated. However, until now sapodilla tree is not yet dead, and do not want to cut down or turned off by our neighbors. Sederhan reason: As the only remaining sapodilla tree in our village, sapodilla tree is very much beneficial for the health of the villagers. Not only the residents of our village, some villagers left too often use our sapodilla tree for treatment.

The most common is the presence of someone with diarrhea or diarrhea that bekerpanjangan. It needs to be done by them is just picking some young sapodilla fruit (Javanese term nipple) and some leaves around sapodilla fruit of the nipple. Clean from dirt by washing. Then the valve sapodilla and leaves pounded and mixed with a little boiled water and squeezed. Juice (about half a tumbler or a quarter cup) is then drunk creak diarrhea or diarrhea. Repeat each morning and afternoon.

That is what is often done by people of our village and the village next door. Does this work? Please see for yourself. But I feel that it is not easy to find a sapodilla tree today. As a village quite far from urban areas, tree sapodilla tree is already a rare enough my village. This is very different compared to where my grandparents in the mountains there nick, which is to get the sapodilla tree is still quite a lot and easily.

Pick some leaves nipple and sapodilla
Mash and squeeze
Drink 2 times a day
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