Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nine Disease Due to Technological Progress

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Technology does offer convenience in the activity. But convenience is not necessarily without consequence. Research has found there are some health problems due to the use of technology in everyday life ranging from depression up to narcissism.

The nine diseases caused by technological advances as reported DailyRecord, Friday (11/25/2011), among others:

1. Hypersensitivity to Electromagnetic Waves from Wifi to Signal Phone

From wi-fi signal to a cell phone, people are surrounded by wireless communication. And for some people, exposure to electromagnetic fields can make the illness. Symptoms range from acute headaches and skin-burning up muscle twitching and severe pain.

An estimated 5 percent of Americans believe that they suffer from this condition and some of them have moved away to areas where wireless communication can dikonrtol strictly controlled to avoid problems.

2. Depression Facebook

Earlier this year, a group of physicians in the U.S. warned that teenagers can become so obsessed with Facebook and the expense of his health.

American Academy of Pediatrics states that neglected children on social networking sites would be more depressed than ignored in real life.

This organization warned of the risk of mental health of children who are victims of cyber-bullying and confirms that the use of some of the websites in the long run can affect sleep patterns and level of self-esteem.

3. Repeated strain injuries which caused a lot of Typing on Keyboard

Usually factory workers, tailors and musicians who had the most at risk of developing repetitive strain injuries. But today's office workers can suffer similar problems due to spending too much time using the keyboard.

The use of fingers, wrists, arms and shoulders repetitively can cause damage that can not be repaired by the body from time to time. Preventive measures such as regular breaks are recommended.

4. Headaches Due to Mobile Phone

For years, experts engaged in a fierce debate over whether cell phones dangerous or not. But studies have shown no relationship between headache and the use of mobile phones.

Research commissioned by mobile phone manufacturers in 2008 and found that a phone call shortly before bedtime can affect sleep quality can cause headaches the next day.

5. Internet Addiction

Many psychiatrists today that offer treatment for Internet addiction and has been treating patients who say that the online world has taken over his life.

According to U.S. psychiatrist, Jerald Block, the condition must be seen as a clinical disorder to see the ever increasing number of people who are addicted to gaming and pornography on the intenet.

6. Reduced Loss due to musical instruments such as Ipod

Some diseases may be new technology over troubling for 10 to 15 years. But already more than 30 years since it first raised concerns that listening to loud music through speakers may damage hearing.

The iPod has replaced the Walkman, but concerns remain the same. France has banned the gadget manufacturers to manufacture earphones that produce noise exceeds a certain level.

7. Play Nintendo Wii injury time

When the Nintendo Wii was first released, people of all ages are excited to try this game that replaces the 'stick' that ancient. The problem is many people who enjoy playing Wii games to lose track of time, causing muscle spasms.

8. Drunk from Game or Movie 3D

A peneltiian Association of Ophthalmologists released in the United States have found health problems due to television and 3D games. A quarter of users reported experiencing eye strain, blurred vision, dizziness, headache, or nausea after viewing 3D content.

People who experience such symptoms of drunkenness are highly susceptible to visual tricks that are used as a trick of visual technology.

9. Narcissism on Social Networking Sites

A study published earlier this year by two U.S. academics who find students who are getting fatter more selfish than previous generations because of the influence of modern technology.

Students of today are also more likely to display less narcissistic behavior and show empathy seeprti displayed in behavior or habit of constantly updating social networking sites.

In peneltiian, the men found to be more inclined to do this, although they are assumed not to use technology more often than women.a
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Understanding of Cisco Router

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On this occasion we will discuss about the definition CISCO Router.

Cisco is the main equipment that is widely used in Wide Area Networks or Wide Area Network (WAN). With Cisco routers, the information can be forwarded to the addresses that are far apart and located on a different computer networks. Which aims to be able to forward data packets from one LAN to another LAN.

Cisco routers use routing tables and protocol that serves to regulate the data traffic. Data packets arrive at the router is checked and forwarded to the addressee. In order for the received data packet to reach the destination quickly, the router must process the data with very precise. To that end, Cisco routers using the Central Processing Unit (CPU) as used in the computer to process data traffic quickly.

Like computers, Cisco routers also have some kind of memory is ROM, RAM, NVRAM and FLASH, which is useful to help work the CPU. In addition it is also equipped with a number of interfaces to connect with the outside world and out of the data.

The operating system used by Cisco routers are the Internetwork Operating System (IOS).

The memory used by Cisco routers each having its own utility as follows:

• ROM is useful for storing bootstrap system that serves to regulate the process of booting and running the Power On Self Test (POST) and the IOS image.

• RAM is useful for storing and running configuration and IOS operating systems are active.

• NVRAM configuration is useful for storing the initial (start-up configuration).

• FLASH useful for storing IOS image. By using FLASH, a new version of IOS can be obtained from the TFTP server without having to replace components in the router.

Thus a review of Understanding CISCO Router.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Release List of 25 Password Hacker Prone burglarized by SplashData

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Password synonymous with privacy. Therefore, the selection of the password must be careful, do not let your passwords easily broken by others. SplashData, a company that created a password management application data recently released a list of 25 passwords that are often used and often become targets of hackers.
CEO of SplashData, Morgan slain advise those who use the list of 25 passwords is to immediately replace it. "The hackers can easily break into many accounts by trying commonly used passwords repeatedly," he told The Telegraph.

Accounts on the Facebook social networking is often the target of hackers. Last month, it was revealed that hundreds of hackers trying to find victims on social networks popular in the world. The goal is to get the photos, messages and other personal information.

Here is a list of passwords that hackers cracked cartilage results from SplashData releases:

1. password

2. 123456


4. qwerty

5. abc123

6. monkey

7. 1234567

8. letmein

9. trustno1

10. dragon

11. baseball

12. 111111

13. iloveyou

14. master

15. sunshine

16. ashley

17. bailey

18. passw0rd

19. shadow

20. 123123

21. 654321

22. superman

23. qazwsx

24. michael

25. football
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Six Ways to Secure Computer

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Computer security article!? maybe this is something that is often discussed in various articles about computers in all blogs on the internet. I myself since my computer is connected to the internet has not even faced a serious problem with the name of the virus. Although've occasionally made ​​him dizzy

Well at least until the article was written computer security!

I think there are 6 things that we ought to do so we are not exposed to computer tecinta or contracting a virus. Automatic computer security if we talk we talk about how to prevent computer viruses.

As for computer security affairs from the thief's actions beyond this article: D Here are specializing only weeks to Internet viruses.

Here are 6 Tips Computer Security articles :

1. Use AntiVirus

Of course this is the most important. Would not want anti-virus as a guard that will prevent a variety of viruses. Oh yes! If nggk have money do not use pirated antivirus free antivirus ... use only. Not really a great lost in combating Internet viruses.


Do not forget to always update anything for computer security. Not only is it an updated anti-virus. EVERYTHING! Operating either systemnya, installed software and drivers. No software or software that is perfect .. there must be a security hole. Do not trust a programmer who says "I sepurna Software in computer security"

To close the security hole that we have to update and update. Because the Internet is also always update virus and updates.

3. Be careful when browsing

Most viruses spread of Internet porn sites and warez (mp3 illegal, pirated software, etc.). If you do not want exposed to the virus so do not go there. This is the best way to prevent computer viruses.

But I know you are addicted to such sites. Then than it is if there is a warning from your browser, it's better just ignore those sites. Or during a visit to the website whose content the dialog box appears asking to install something .. just been ignored.

Be wary of such sites typically use puns like he was giving a gift to you. In fact it is an Internet virus that can interfere with computer security.

4. Always scan files downloaded

Any files that you download even if it comes from a trusted website like this blog. It should still use anti-virus scan. For example after you download the free ebook, what you believe it germ-free ebook uh mean virus free. Or when to get free scripts .. is it true that the script was really safe.

Preventing it is always better than cure

5. Beware email

One of the Internet virus is spread through email. Especially if you got an email that contains files such as EXE, VBS, BAT. Plus it was sent by strangers ... may-be Internet virus that shut down the computer and reboot and the message "Welcome to your hard drive capacity increases"

How not to grow, lha wong all the deleted files.

6. Articles read on computer security

The development of a computer that runs like a panther ... fast. Perhaps the computer security article you read a month ago is outdated era consumed. So keep-keep reading various articles as a good computer on this blog: D

Benefits of the computer was indeed a lot. But at the same time also appeared troublesome things that computer security is maintained.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Scroll Apple Mac OS X 10.6.3 Build (10D538) For The Developer

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Mac OS X operating system is never relentless in providing the latest innovations. In an existing routine, the company is headquartered at One Infinite Loop, Cupertino, Calif., handed to the developer community to create the latest security updates and maintenance of the Snow Leopard is Mac OS X 10.6.3 Build 10D538. And even, reportedly, Mac OS X 10.6.3 is a bit longer to complete its development cycle.

AppleInsider embrace people who are familiar with the beta Friday and said that the [Mac OS X 10.6.3 Build 10D538] includes updates QuickTime X, which when completed will be increased security and compatibility and also can improve the overall reliability simultaneously. This release will also include tweaks that aim to improve the performance of Apple's 64-bit Logic pro audio suite. Other planned improvements include better compatibility with the existence of the printer and OpenGL-based applications.

Apple also has released Logic Pro 9.1 recently. These reforms provide increased compatibility and a lot of improvements. This application can be obtained at Downloads section by entering the serial number Logic Pro 9 is valid. For release notes, the issues addressed in the update include: support for native 64-bit mode, compatibility with 64-bit Audio Unit plug-ins, support for file names with more than 32 characters, these examples are now mapped correctly when using option "Contiguous Zones" in the EXS editor.

With Build 10D538 available, the developers are now required to directly test their skills against some of the other core system components, such as AirPort, VoiceOver and graphics drivers, according to AppleInsider. An issue related to the photo album being viewed through Front Row media center software is said to be a problem seen only on Mac OS X 10.6.3 so far. People who are familiar with the continuous development of Mac OS X 10.6.3 also believed that the release time will be resolved in the next six weeks, with the capacity of the existing results have exceeded half a gigabyte.
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Launch the Joomla CMS Joomla 1.7.3 Latest With Improved Security System

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has just launched a content management system (CMS) new, namely Joomla 1.7.3. This latest update comes with a variety of improvements, especially in the security system.

Here are some features that are owned by the Joomla 1.7.3:

- Users can save a copy of the template style
- Fix redirect problem at login
- Improvements on the code end of line
- Page breaks can now function correctly when the 'table of contents' gives a chance to hide
- Improvements in Jdatabasequery
- Problem when installing a foreign language has been corrected
- Changes in the back-end language now only works when set to default
- Problems preg_quote on utf8_ireplace function has been improved.

In addition to the features above, there are many other features that have been repaired by the Joomla. Total there are 77 fixes and two security issues. For more details, can be seen on the official Joomla website.
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